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In the meantime … continue to read our site to learn more ancient secrets about the OJAYA “Armor” Technique:


Top 10 Reasons
why people learned the

Deep Meditation

"Armor" Technique

I was attacked by ANXIETY
and STRESSSolve this

I was tired and DEPRESSED. 
Solve this

I needed deep, restful,
rejuvenating SLEEP.  Learn how

I was exhausted from work. I needed ENERGY and SUCCESS for more leisure time.  Here's how

I needed anti-aging HEALTH and HEALING ... with renewed YOUTHFUL vitality.  See how

I always got bored when I would
try to WATCH my BREATHSolve this

GUIDED meditations quickly evaporate. They never gave me permanent PEACE of mind.  Learn why

I got frustrated trying to be MINDFUL all the time; I just wanted calm, effortless presence.  View special Lesson on MINDFULNESS

I wanted to open
my HEART.  Learn how

10 I was finally ready for deep
INNER AWAKENING.  Learn the secret

Learn more:


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Sukaishi David

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©MMXXII The not-for-profit school of the OJAYA Dharma Sangha
in the Earthborn Rainforest Telephone: 641-472-3300