The not-for-profit School of

Armor Meditation
Ancients Secrets of
Deep Meditation

with “watching your breath”?
OJAYA takes you deep into meditation, far beyond the superficial experience of “watching your breath.” Even our newest beginners report deep, blissful experiences that far surpass those who have done breath meditations for 20-30 years.
“I want peace of mind, but I always get bored when I try to watch my breath.
What am I doing wrong?
Watching the breath is a common, generic practice of mindfulness — a slow, arduous method that requires a much longer time to achieve results.
We have heard countless stories of people who are bored and strained as they try to watch their breath, day after day.
Of course, proper mindfulness of the breath has certain values. But if you’re going for inner peace, inner awakening, and tapping into your deepest inner potentials, “watching your breath” is a slow, tortuous path.
Here’s the root of the problem — and this is an ancient secret that has been lost in virtually every meditation school that tells you to focus on your breath:
And the secret is …
“Watching your breath” is not a practice of deep meditation.
Because your constant efforts to focus on your breath keep your awareness 100% directed outwards — on the breath — which prevents you from diving deep within … to attain the deep inner peace and blissful fruits of true deep meditation.
This is why people find it so difficult to gain a permanent state of inner peace — or deep inner awakening — because focusing on the breath is not an inward journey.
And this why we say “watching your breath” is the “slow boat” to inner peace:
The ancient meditation masters knew a much better, supremely high technology that quickly leads to everyday peace of mind and deep inner awakening — a thousand times faster than “watching the breath.”
And that technology is …
The “Armor” Mantra
The OJAYA Deep Meditation technique uses a rare, potent “Armor” mantra — which works on the principle of inner resonance, like music …
The soothing, calming sound of the OJAYA “Armor” mantra acts like a sort of computer code that resonates deep within your consciousness — to awaken the deeper levels of your talents and dormant inner potentials.
So, let’s compare:
“Watching your breath” doesn’t add anything NEW into your awareness; after all, you’re always breathing anyway.
In stark contrast, the OJAYA “Armor” mantra is a highly sophisticated ancient technology — which adds a NEW soothing resonance to your consciousness … that wasn’t there before.
There are many kinds of mantras. But only the potent resonance of an “Armor” mantra has the power to aggressively attack — and quickly dissolve — the deepest roots of anxiety, tensions, and stress.
This power of energizing resonance is why meditation masters through the ages have closely guarded the purity of the OJAYA “Armor” meditation technique …
… and why we teach OJAYA in a unique way that is very different from how you may have learned any other method.
OJAYA is the fast track … to health, happiness, and higher states of consciousness …
You’ll find that OJAYA is totally effortless, because the potent “Armor” mantra does the inner work for you.
You are effortlessly pulled into a state of deep, blissful, rejuvenating rest.
View this graphic in landscape mode to see details:

The classic, closely-guarded OJAYA “Armor” technique is an ancient gift that you will not find in any other meditation school.
With this classic technique, you develop a powerful “Armor” of serene energy that shields and protects you from the stresses and tensions of everyday living.

OJAYA is True Classic
Deep Meditation
Some points to ponder
before you invest your time into a
daily meditation practice …
Today’s world is awash in superficial, watered-down practices of meditation and mindfulness.
Today you will find hastily-learned, highly popularized methods that promise you great results …
Yet as these methods consume your valuable time, you find they lack the strength to take you very far … or very deep.
Let’s turn back the clock and understand that …
Popular teachers today often instruct you to repeat words and phrases to yourself, such as, “May my mind be at peace.”
But true deep meditation doesn’t happen this way.
OJAYA Deep Meditation takes you far beyond all words, visualizations and mindful “chores.” OJAYA pulls you deep within … to thoroughly soak you in the calm, blissful depths of your own Self.
True deep meditation is free of all efforts, concentration, and mental gymnastics … because …
True meditation is a refreshing let go … a deep surrender.
True, authentic meditation isn’t learned in 5 or 15 minutes, but instead is a deeply relaxing step-by-step training that is pure joy from the very start.
When you take a little time to learn the simple OJAYA teachings, deep meditation becomes absolutely easy, blissful, restful and energizing.
Guided meditations keep you outwardly engaged as you listen to various verbal instructions … thus you can never relax 100% and dive fully into your serene, blissful depths.
To reach deep into the tranquil ocean of your Being, you must leave all guides behind to embark on your own self-empowered, self-guided inner journey.
You quickly develop clear, calm energy and core inner strength — naturally and effortlessly — when you take just a little time to honor yourself and receive the pure, authentic OJAYA Deep Meditation teachings.
Once learned, you now hold in your heart the rare, time-honored adept secrets of true, classic deep meditation … to cherish and enjoy for a lifetime.
This is the way of OJAYA.
— Sukaishi David
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Take the Course.
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Deep Meditation
"Armor" Technique
1 I was attacked by ANXIETY
and STRESS. Solve this
2 I was tired and DEPRESSED.
Solve this
3 I needed deep, restful,
rejuvenating SLEEP. Learn how
4 I was exhausted from work. I needed ENERGY and SUCCESS for more leisure time. Here's how
5 I needed anti-aging HEALTH and HEALING ... with renewed YOUTHFUL vitality. See how
7 GUIDED meditations quickly evaporate. They never gave me permanent PEACE of mind. Learn why
8 I got frustrated trying to be MINDFUL all the time; I just wanted calm, effortless presence. View special Lesson on MINDFULNESS
9 I wanted to open
my HEART. Learn how
10 I was finally ready for deep
INNER AWAKENING. Learn the secret
The OJAYA Deep Meditation Course — lovingly featured in:

The not-for-profit School of

D e e p "A r m o r"
M e d i t a t i o n
We'll share with you this ancient OJAYA Armor Meditation technique . . .
. . . if you will pause . . .
. . . take a breath . . .
. . . and learn with gratitude.
Register FREE
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The not-for-profit School of

D e e p “A r m o r”
M e d i t a t i o n
OJAYA is profoundly different from
any practice you’ve done before.
From our online rainforest classroom, our school is run by volunteers who bring deep inner awakening of Self to sincere seekers from around the world.
We now invite YOU to learn the rare, ancient and supremely potent OJAYA Deep Meditation "Armor" technique — for unshakable peace of mind and clear, calm energy to support dynamic success in your everyday life.
Our site contains a treasure trove of closely-guarded meditation teachings that you will not find elsewhere. Take your time to relax, enjoy, and be deliciously mindful of each page.
More ancient wisdom to explore . . .
Be Empowered:
Higher Consciousness &
OJAYA = Healing Energy
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OJAYA vs. Breath Practices
Are You Accidentally Doing
“Monk” Meditation?
5 Mindful “Missed Understandings”