The not-for-profit School of

Armor Meditation

— 100% Online Armor Meditation Course —

Ancients Secrets of
Deep Meditation
The OJAYA “Armor” technique revives long-forgotten secrets to blissful, effortless meditation.
ARE YOU one of the millions of people around the world who has tried various meditation techniques … but did not attain the peace of mind, clarity, energy, compassion and gratitude you were hoping to achieve?
This reason is simple.
The meditation methods you’ll find in today’s trendy “marketplace” — including modern “certified” mindfulness methods — were all extracted from powerful ancient traditional practices … that have been greatly watered-down over the centuries.
In the OJAYA Deep Meditation Lessons, you’ll learn how these popularized methods have lost many key components and essential adept secrets. This loss of potency quickly leads you to boredom, struggles and strain — the very opposite of the ease and calm serenity that proper meditation should bring you.
We hear stories from people every day who have tried one meditation method after another … all in a vain search for clarity and deep inner peace.
Our loving challenge for you:
We invite you to start free with the OJAYA Deep Meditation Lessons— right now during our “Open-Door” enrollment period — and compare all you’ve ever learned previously …
You’ll discover a profound difference in the OJAYA teachings— and you’ll learn how this classic “Armor” technique works to finally overcome anxiety and depression, awaken your heart, and attain deep, blissful states of inner awareness.
You’ll experience for yourself how quickly the OJAYA technique empowers you with clear, calm energy …
… in just 10-20 minutes.
We invite you to
enroll below …
Course Instructor is
Sukaishi David
(Would you guess he’s in his 60s?)
Sukaishi David has a 50-year history of teaching deep meditation and holistic health.
OJAYA Deep Meditation protects you from absorbing stress, which leads to youthful aging.
View this pic in landscape mode to see the Earthborn Rainforest, home of the OJAYA School of Deep Meditation.
Above, a scene from the OJAYA Foundation Lessons
Here from the Earthborn Rainforest, Sukaishi David shows you how the OJAYA technique works through the principle of inner resonance — like music — to quickly develop an Armor of serene, dynamic energy.
The ancient principles of OJAYA mirror the timeless principles of the physical martial arts — like karate, kung fu, or tai chi. However, OJAYA is practiced sitting silently and is easy for anyone of any age.
OJAYA is the Martial Art of Inner Self-Defense …
Enroll now in the OJAYA Deep Meditation Lessons during our “Open-Door” enrollment period and you’ll experience these sumptuous and relaxing videos … produced with love in the Earthborn Rainforest.
You’ll discover a bold, ancient, rare knowledge of deep meditation — that you never heard before.
Register FREE below …
Course Graduate
“When I listened to Sukaishi David in the videos I had actual tears in my eyes.”
— Rick Blanda, US Air Force TSgt, retired, Warner Robins, Georgia

OJAYA is True Classic
Deep Meditation
Some points to ponder
before you invest your time into a
daily meditation practice …
Today’s world is awash in superficial, watered-down practices of meditation and mindfulness.
Today you will find hastily-learned, highly popularized methods that promise you great results …
Yet as these methods consume your valuable time, you find they lack the strength to take you very far … or very deep.
Let’s turn back the clock and understand that …
Popular teachers today often instruct you to repeat words and phrases to yourself, such as, “May my mind be at peace.”
But true deep meditation doesn’t happen this way.
OJAYA Deep Meditation takes you far beyond all words, visualizations and mindful “chores.” OJAYA pulls you deep within … to thoroughly soak you in the calm, blissful depths of your own Self.
True deep meditation is free of all efforts, concentration, and mental gymnastics … because …
True meditation is a refreshing let go … a deep surrender.
True, authentic meditation isn’t learned in 5 or 15 minutes, but instead is a deeply relaxing step-by-step training that is pure joy from the very start.
When you take a little time to learn the simple OJAYA teachings, deep meditation becomes absolutely easy, blissful, restful and energizing.
Guided meditations keep you outwardly engaged as you listen to various verbal instructions … thus you can never relax 100% and dive fully into your serene, blissful depths.
To reach deep into the tranquil ocean of your Being, you must leave all guides behind to embark on your own self-empowered, self-guided inner journey.
You quickly develop clear, calm energy and core inner strength — naturally and effortlessly — when you take just a little time to honor yourself and receive the pure, authentic OJAYA Deep Meditation teachings.
Once learned, you now hold in your heart the rare, time-honored adept secrets of true, classic deep meditation … to cherish and enjoy for a lifetime.
This is the way of OJAYA.
— Sukaishi David
Course Graduate
Through all my life I suffered from anxiety and depression. All I wanted was peace of mind. After Osho and the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, I tried to meditate for years, but never achieved any progress.
So I gave up and doubted the whole meditation thing … until I found this course which is completely different from what I learned before.
— Amer Mussa, Scarborough, Ontario
Serene consciousness leads to powerful action …
“My mind never settles down …”
“I have way too many thoughts when I meditate!”
You’ve come to the right place. With the OJAYA Deep Meditation Mastery Course, you can now relax all your efforts …
Listen and learn as Sukaishi David wields his “Sword of Truth.”
He corrects the everyday mistakes that prevent you — and millions around the world — from resting deep in your meditation.
Enroll now during our “Open-Door” enrollment period and you’ll learn how to experience the ease of true, clasic deep meditation for yourself …

Course Graduate
“Ojaya holds the secret people have sought in other courses but haven’t found. All the myths that prevented me from enjoying meditation are now debunked.”
— Hermes Banguid, North Liberty, Iowa
“But I’m too busy
to meditate!”
(and too frazzled)
In today’s stressed-out world, if you’re too busy to meditate … you’re probably too busy!
Today’s fast-paced lifestyles are a “strain and drain” on mind, body and emotions.
Today — more than ever — it’s healthful and wise to devote a few moments daily to honor yourself — with deep, blissful meditation … to rapidly rejuvenate and replenish your energies.
We invite you to begin the OJAYA Deep Meditation Course … right now during our “Open-Door” enrollment period — and take time to repose in each Lesson … at your own relaxed pace.
Course Graduate
I wish I had known about this long ago, it really would have been a game changer.”
— Stewart Lewis, Zanesville, Ohio
OJAYA Deep Meditation is like taking a refreshing break in Nature …
Course Graduate
Meditation used to be a chore. Now it’s truly deep, relaxing and healing. I’ve tried many other practices but nothing compares. I’ve never experienced results like this in such a short time.”
— Nick Bobay, Fort Wayne, Indiana
How is OJAYA
profoundly different?
(from any meditation you may have ever experienced)
Throughout the OJAYA Deep Meditation Mastery Course, Sukaishi David constantly compares and contrasts meditation techniques taught around the world.
Prepare yourself for many surprises when you see why different methods give vastly different results!
You’ll learn how today’s popularized meditation and mindful practices are actually modern dilutions of powerful classic techniques — that have been watered-down and adapted for mainstream consumption.
“OJAYA is the deepest, most blissful meditation on the planet.”

Dissolves the Very Roots of Anxiety and Stress
Course Graduate
“I’m 65, and Ojaya is the best thing I have ever done for myself in my whole life. So relaxing, so deeply restful. I’ve never felt so alive in my life!”
— Richard Bosworth, Bellevue, Washington
Are you in a RUSH
to learn the rare, adept secrets of deep, blissful meditation?
We invite you to pause … Take a breath …
You’ll soon discover why OJAYA Deep Meditation isn’t learned in 5 or 15 minutes, but instead is a deeply relaxing step-by-step training that is pure joy from the very start.
The ancient OJAYA “Armor” technique is profoundly different from the plethora of common “meditations” you’ll see popularized these days.
OJAYA is in a class all its own — far deeper and more potent than any guided meditation or mindfulness practice. OJAYA also does not involve concentration, watching your breath, or your constant struggles to be “in the now.”
In fact, none of these above methods actually qualifies as true deep meditation — nor can any of these offer you the ultra-deep peace of mind, serene energy and profound inner awakening of classic OJAYA deep meditation.
You’ll now learn why.
We invite you to take a moment to pause … be at peace … and enjoy a well-deserved break from the frenzy of your day. Turn off your phone, claim some quality time, and honor yourself as you luxuriate in the serenity of these ancient OJAYA Lessons — produced for you with love in the Earthborn Rainforest.
You’ll soon discover you have unexpectedly embarked on a most unexpected grand new adventure …
A rare, ancient wisdom will gradually unfold before your eyes …
… and as you advance step-by-step, you’ll soon realize the supremely potent OJAYA technique is going to change your life forever.
Be bold and adventurous — and enjoy the journey!
— Sukaishi David
Course Graduate
“This is truly a treasure I didn’t expect to discover.”
— Elizabeth, Kansas City, Missouri
Are you ready to
begin the adventure?
Take the Course.
Start now free
. . . register below . . .
Got questions?
We've got answers!
We're real live people who volunteer our time to bring peace of mind to a frazzled world.
Call us now:
(in USA)
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or email us
Begin the Course

Deep Meditation
"Armor" Technique
1 I was attacked by ANXIETY
and STRESS. Solve this
2 I was tired and DEPRESSED.
Solve this
3 I needed deep, restful,
rejuvenating SLEEP. Learn how
4 I was exhausted from work. I needed ENERGY and SUCCESS for more leisure time. Here's how
5 I needed anti-aging HEALTH and HEALING ... with renewed YOUTHFUL vitality. See how
7 GUIDED meditations quickly evaporate. They never gave me permanent PEACE of mind. Learn why
8 I got frustrated trying to be MINDFUL all the time; I just wanted calm, effortless presence. View special Lesson on MINDFULNESS
9 I wanted to open
my HEART. Learn how
10 I was finally ready for deep
INNER AWAKENING. Learn the secret
The OJAYA Deep Meditation Course — lovingly featured in:

The not-for-profit School of

D e e p "A r m o r"
M e d i t a t i o n
We'll share with you this ancient OJAYA Armor Meditation technique . . .
. . . if you will pause . . .
. . . take a breath . . .
. . . and learn with gratitude.
Register FREE
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pages on our site?
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The not-for-profit School of

D e e p “A r m o r”
M e d i t a t i o n
OJAYA is profoundly different from
any practice you’ve done before.
From our online rainforest classroom, our school is run by volunteers who bring deep inner awakening of Self to sincere seekers from around the world.
We now invite YOU to learn the rare, ancient and supremely potent OJAYA Deep Meditation "Armor" technique — for unshakable peace of mind and clear, calm energy to support dynamic success in your everyday life.
Our site contains a treasure trove of closely-guarded meditation teachings that you will not find elsewhere. Take your time to relax, enjoy, and be deliciously mindful of each page.
More ancient wisdom to explore . . .
Be Empowered:
Higher Consciousness &
OJAYA = Healing Energy